Bar chart
A bar chart is a chart in which each category is represented by a horizontal rectangle, with the length of the rectangle proportional to the values being plotted. The horizontal axis shows data value, and the vertical axis displays the categories being compared.
More about: Bar chart - Other tutorials: R Matplotlib
Column chart
In a column chart, each category is represented by a vertical rectangle, with the height of the rectangle being proportional to the values being plotted.
More about: Column chart - Other tutorials: R Matplotlib Plotly Python
Grouped bar chart
Grouped bar charts are a type of colour-coded bar chart that is used to represent and compare different categories of two or more groups.
More about: Grouped bar chart - Other tutorials: R Matplotlib
Grouped column chart
Grouped column charts are a type of colour-coded column chart used to represent and compare different categories of two or more groups.
More about: Grouped column chart - Other tutorials: R Matplotlib Plotly Python
Stacked bar chart
Stacked bar charts stack horizontal bars that represent different groups one after another. The length of the stacked bar shows the combined value of the groups. They show the cumulative values of data items and compare parts to the whole.
More about: Stacked bar chart - Other tutorials: R Matplotlib
Stacked column chart
The stacked column chart stacks vertical bars that represent different groups on top of each other. The height of the stacked bar shows the combined value of the groups. They show the cumulative values of a data item and compare parts to the whole.
More about: Stacked column chart - Other tutorials: R Matplotlib